
The following applies to the web page Artiveau.com owned by EVAsince bvba. By using this web page you agree to our disclaimer.

Privacy declaration
You can visit this website without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. However, there are situations where we need information from you, for example to correspond with you, to make a reservation or to complete a registration. We aim to let you know at all times before we collect personal information over the internet. This website keeps track of the number of visitors, the websites they come from and through which provider people have access to the internet. The results are only used in an aggregated form that cannot be traced back to individuals. Collected (personal) data will not be sold or made available to third parties. This is subject to special circumstances, for example if required by law. You can also request that your data be removed from our files at any time, if this is the case.

Exclusion of Liability
All information on this web page is intended for personal use. No rights can be derived from information. Modifications and typographical errors reserved. We make every effort to ensure that the information on this web page is as complete and accurate as possible. EVAsince bvba does not accept any responsibility for damage in any way caused by the use, incompleteness or inaccuracy of the information provided on this website.

Information and recommendations on this website are subject to change without notice. We make every effort to make this web page available as much as possible, but we do not accept any liability for any consequences of (temporary) unavailability.

Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights
The copyright on this website rests with EVAsince bvba or with third parties who have made this (image) material available to EVAsince bvba with permission. Reproduction in any form is only permitted with prior permission from EVAsince bvba.