Bengt Lindström

Bengt Lindström

Bengt LindströmBengt Lindström, born on September 3, 1925, is a pioneer in the art world. The Swede, who spent his early years in the village of Storsjökapell in Norrland province, inspired people all over the world with his colorful work inspired by Sámi culture, a culture he greatly valued. But that wasn’t his only inspiration. Lindström became known for his powerful presentation of human themes, which gave a whole new dimension to the art world. This new dimension is also seen as a new visual expression.

Throughout his life, Lindström lived in countless places and continued to come up with new ideas and new art movements in which to express his work. He only stopped making art when he became disabled due to a stroke in 2003 and was unable to perform any more. In 2008 he died at his home in Sundsvall, Sweden. Today he still inspires people and other artists every day and his work is still highly appreciated.

Read more about Bengt Lindström here.

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